Monday, June 30, 2014

Chapter 20 and 21

These two chapters were very intense because we talk about serious war around the world. The modern era has been a time of great changes around the world, but here in the United States we reflect on some of these changes such as World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II, which devastated the American People. World War I brought so many deaths, and so much social and cultural changes around the globe, and the war from lasted from 1914 to 1918. During the modern era, technology began to strive and new technology began to change our world. After War World I the great Roaring Twenties begins to roll in. These were the years where economic prosper, a time of artistic and cultural dynamism. Jazz music had blossom, and people were happy. Boy! how I love this era. It almost seems that I should have been born during this time, because I have always been a fan of the Golden Twenties. The radio was extremely popular; sport thrived around this time; and not to mention great dancing. Can you blame me for not like this era?  The twenties was known to be as the Age of the Consumer which prompted substantial economic growth in our time. The automobile had an important impact on America’s economy and of course voting right was another great moment. Let go back just a bit since we are talking of voting rights. We all know the Women’s Right to Vote passed almost around the same time, I believe it was the year 1919. This was also an important time. Although this was a lengthy and difficult, time to achieve such a great moment for women in the U.S. Then the crashing of Wall Street that ended this lovely era of happiness, and the Great Depression came stumbling in. This only brought depression, no jobs, great turmoil, and poverty into people life. It funny when you look back at this time, because several times we always hear about when there is uncertainty of our present market we always reflect back on these moments and I always see the older generation like myself quivered if we would have the same type of impact during our era. However, I believe that we became a bit smarter, and although we are facing some economic crisis it have not affected us as it did then. Than if that was not enough we seem to follow a chain of wars. In 1939 War World II takes its toll and it was not until Pear Harbor attack on December 7th that the American officially enter the war. Many of my family members were part of this war, some came back, and some did not. Many young peoples died in this war, and social changes began to affect millions of people. An increased in women in the workforce became essential because most men were at war. War World II brought to life the atomic nuclear weapons, which has always remain a threat and the new threat of communism. Here came the 1950 to 1963, which is my era was a great moment for me only because I was very young, and probably because I had no knowledge of what was going on. Later as I grew up and met my husband. My husband participated in Vietnam War and 1990 was sent off to Desert Storm/Desert Shield. He served the military for over 20 years, so understand what many of our past people went through. As we move forward in time the past few years has been about change- changes such as movement for civil rights, Cuban missile crisis, Vietnam War, Berlin Walls comes down, and so forth. So many things going on and even till our present day.     

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